Researchers Develop Improved Natural Draft Charcoal Retort

Researchers Develop Improved Natural Draft Charcoal Retort

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Researchers at the Indian Institute of Technology, Guwahati, have developed a novel improved natural draft charcoal retort to address the technological and capital investment challenges of Indian charcoal makers
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Now There Is Self-Check Kiosk For COVID-19 Detection

Now There Is Self-Check Kiosk For COVID-19 Detection

Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati in collaboration with Workspace Metal Solutions Private Limited, Udaipur, has developed a first-of-its-kind self-check kiosk.

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New Algorithm for Safer Data

New Algorithm for Safer Data

A team of researchers from the Indian Institute of Technology, Guwahati in collaboration with scientists from the University of Pardubice, Czech Republic, is working towards developing indigenous algorithms that can protect the Nation's digital data from cyber-attacks by advanced computers

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A Path-Breaking Research for Safer Pregnancy Drugs

A Path-Breaking Research for Safer Pregnancy Drugs

Prof Achalkumar and Prof. Yasuhiro Ishida from RIKEN, Wako-shi campus, Japan, have developed a simple and novel method to separate chiral enantiomers.

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Shinier, Robust and Pinchpenny LEDs

Shinier, Robust and Pinchpenny LEDs

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Researchers from the IIT Guwahati, and Imperial College London, UK, have developed a tailored ‘meta-grid’ of nanoparticles that could make light-emitting diodes even brighter, energy-efficient and durable.
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CSIR Tops Scientific Research Institutional Ranking

CSIR Tops Scientific Research Institutional Ranking

The Council of Scientific and Industrial Research has been ranked first in the Nature Ranking Index-2020. The rankings are based on total research output which the institutions have carried out from December 01, 2018, to 30th November 2019

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This Silk Protein Can Help Make Beauty and Skincare Products

This Silk Protein Can Help Make Beauty and Skincare Products

Scientists have discovered that a protein produced by silkworms can be used to develop a range of beauty and skincare products

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Membrane to Remove Oil and Dyes from Industrial Waste Water

Expanding the range of water treatment technologies, scientists from the Indian Institute of Technology-Guwahati have developed a membrane that promises to help simultaneously remove oil and dyes from industrial and other wastes

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Hand-Held Device Developed to Detect Bacteria

Hand-Held Device Developed to Detect Bacteria

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Researchers have developed a hand-held device that promises to detect bacteria without requiring a routine process of cell culture and microbiological assay
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Gold Nano Rattle May Help Detect Serotonin Levels Instantly

Gold Nano Rattle May Help Detect Serotonin Levels Instantly

Scientists have developed a nanotechnology-based biosensor for the detection of serotonin in blood and urine. They have developed a new nanocomposite material made of gold Nano rattles-reduced graphene oxide coated onto glassy carbon electrodes with gold nanoparticles

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Evidence of Pre-Modern Iron Technology Found in Nagaland

Evidence of Pre-Modern Iron Technology Found in Nagaland

Scientists from Nagaland University and the Indian Institute of Technology, Guwahati have studied the history and evolution of smelting in Wui village of Tuensang district of Nagaland. The village is well known for its traditional art of iron-smelting and iron tool production since pre-colonial times.

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Low Soil Moisture Posing Threat in Most River Basins

Factors like temperature, rainfall, and soil moisture affect the distribution and growth of vegetation. A study of these factors has shown that forest and croplands in two-thirds of river basins across India do not have the potential to cope with extreme climatic events such as drought

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Climate Vulnerability Maps Developed for Himalayan States

Climate Vulnerability Maps Developed for Himalayan States

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Indian scientists have developed a common framework for the assessment of climate change vulnerability in all the states in the Himalayan region
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A Paper Sensor That Can Detect Freshness of Milk

Scientists at the Indian Institute of Technology, Guwahati, have developed a simple paper kit that can test the freshness of milk and tell how well it has been pasteurized.

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New Polymeric Material Developed for Controlled Release of Two Different Drugs

New Polymeric Material Developed for Controlled Release of Two Different Drugs

A team of researchers at Indian Institute of Technology, Guwahati has developed a biocompatible polymeric material that promises to help in the simultaneous and extended release of two different drugs from a single platform

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Injectable Gel May Deliver Islet Cells for Type 1 Diabetes

Injectable Gel May Deliver Islet Cells for Type 1 Diabetes

Researchers at the Indian Institute of Technology, Guwahati have developed an injectable gel using silk proteins to deliver insulin-producing cells needed to address type1 diabetes

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Artificial Membrane Inspired by Fish Scales May Help in Cleaning Oil Spills

Artificial Membrane Inspired by Fish Scales May Help in Cleaning Oil Spills

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Fish scales have a typical structure and chemistry that makes them naturally capable of repelling oil. Scientists are trying to exploit this property for developing novel materials that can find application in addressing oil pollution.
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Science Films Can Help Promote Scientific Temperament

Over 200 films makers along with a large contingent of scientists, students and film critics from across the country have gathered here for the eighth edition of the National Science Film Festival of India (NSFFI) which began today at the P.D Hall of Gauhati University.

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Scientists Use Silk Polymer to Develop Artificial Vertebral Disc

Degenerative disc disease is a major cause of low back pain affecting the mobility of people. A group of Indian scientists have developed a silk-based bioartificial disc that may find use in disc replacement therapy in future.

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