Intranasal COVID Vaccine Gets DCGA Emergency Use Authorisation

Intranasal COVID Vaccine Gets DCGA Emergency Use Authorisation

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The Department of Biotechnology and its PSU, Biotechnology Industry Research Assistance Council, on Wednesday announced that the Drug Controller General of India had given emergency use authorization for the first-of-its-kind intranasal COVID-19 vaccine developed by Bharat Biotech.
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Scientists Uncover A New Approach to Inhibit Zika Virus Replication

Scientists Uncover A New Approach to Inhibit Zika Virus Replication

Efforts to find an effective treatment for the Zika virus could get a boost with researchers at the Indian Institute of Technology Indore identifying some structures in the genetic makeup of the virus that could be used as targets for drugs.

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Vice President Lauds Indian Scientists for Work on COVID 19 Vaccine

Vice President Lauds Indian Scientists for Work on COVID 19 Vaccine

The Vice President of India, Shri M. Venkaiah Naidu today expressed happiness that India was on the verge of releasing its own indigenous COVID vaccine and complimented the scientists who have made this possible

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DRDO & JNU Scientists Develop Highly Potent Anthrax Vaccine

DRDO & JNU Scientists Develop Highly Potent Anthrax Vaccine

Scientists have developed a new vaccine against anthrax. It is claimed to be superior over existing vaccines as it can generate an immune response to anthrax toxin as well as its spores rather than the toxin alone

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Scientists Pave the Way for a Vaccine against Tuberculosis

Scientists Pave the Way for a Vaccine against TB

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The scope for developing a new vaccine against the dreaded disease of Tuberculosis through the biological route has become brighter, with researchers at Kolkata-based Indian Institute of Chemical Biology (IICB) and Bose Institute identifying a potential trouble spot and figuring out ways to deal with it.
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CSIR Scientists Working On New Vaccine for Malaria

CSIR Scientists Working On New Vaccine for Malaria

Despite efforts over the decades by scientists across the world, malaria continues to be a major vector-borne disease particularly in Asia, Africa, and South America.

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A Canadian Genomics Startup Working Towards the Healthier Future

The genomics market is rapidly growing and expected to reach USD 19.99 Billion by 2020, growing at a CAGR of 9.9% during the forecast period of 2015 to 2020. The growth of the overall market has resulted in the increasing number of start-up companies

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Research Stash Weekly Review 5

Latest news in Science and Technology

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Microneedle patches for flu vaccination prove successful in first human clinical trial

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Despite the potentially severe consequences of illness and even death, only about 40 percent of adults in the United States receive flu shots each year; however, researchers believe a new self-administered, painless vaccine skin patch containing microscopic needles could significantly increase the number of people who get vaccinated.
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