Study Identifies Gene That Could Help Fight Lethal Infection Candidiasis

Study Identifies Gene That Could Help Fight Lethal Infection Candidiasis

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A team of researchers from Bengaluru-based Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research has identified a gene that holds the key to preventing the fungal infection Candidiasis that often affects intensive-care unit patients, cancer patients and patients receiving immunosuppressive therapy.
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Artificial Networks Shed Light on Human Face Recognition

Artificial Networks Shed Light on Human Face Recognition

Our brains are so primed to recognize faces – or to tell people apart – that we rarely even stop to think about it, but what happens in the brain when it engages in such recognition is still far from understood. In a new study reported today in Nature Communications, researchers at the Weizmann Institute of Science have shed new light on this issue

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New Technique to Trap and Move Tiny Particles Using Laser

New Technique to Trap and Move Tiny Particles Using Laser

In a development that could help make advanced lab-on-chip devices like portable diagnostic kits, researchers at the Centre for Nano Science and Engineering in Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru, have come up with a technique to trap & move nano-sized particles in a fluidic medium using light

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Scientists Find New Dimension to Dynamics of Indian Ocean

Scientists Find New Dimension to Dynamics of Indian Ocean

Indian scientists have discovered a hitherto unknown effect of the tropical weather phenomenon known as Madden-Julian Oscillation, which plays an important role in determining the fate of Indian summer monsoon

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Balancing Act at The Edge of Cells

Balancing Act at The Edge of Cells

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The study done by lead author Joseph Jose Thottacherry shows that the CG endocytosis is intimately connected to membrane tension by sensing and responding to changes in membrane tension
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A Glycan That Completes the Journey of B cell

By altering the intracellular protein modification with sugar, Dr. Kuo-I Lin’s lab made B cells in mice turn lethargic when they reach a mature age and mount the antibody responses.

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